In this project I decided to work with geometric shapes . My inspiration was the mosaic in ancient temples or mosques .I came from a culture that ” Space occupied ” is an important thing in the architecture. Due to the introverted property Eastern architecture, mosaics adorn there in many buildings and monuments inside.These are often characterised by simplicity and repetition monotonous designs. According to this background , I made a three-dimensions mosaics, so they can be matched “side by side” .The most important dimension is the angle of the forms , so that add the mosaics different shapes exactly into one another. The concept of three-dimensional mosaic is based on the idea that the mosaics not only can matched “side by side” but also can be ” Overlapped ” . They also have different functions , In addition to the aesthetics and the attraction that develop these shapes together. According to different needs they can be used in various fields, such as as a plant pot, pen stands, candle holders, food etc.